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  • Verified-Role-Requiremen.png

  • Ender Sage

    This role is given out to members in the community that meet one of the requirements.

    • Super well-known, has been in the community a while with nothing but stellar reviews everywhere.

    • Huge Content Creators, with 100,000 followers or more on any platform.


    Realm Overlord

    This role is given out to server owners that meet one of the following requirements.

    • 1,500+ Discord members (15% online minimum).

    • 150 Online players


    Realm Lord

    This role is given out to server owners that meet one of the following requirements.

    • 500+ Discord members (15% online minimum).

    • 30 Online players (Instant Qualify)


    Marketplace Master

    This role is given out to business owners that meet one of the following requirements.

    • A Service Team with 750+ Discord members.

    • 150+ Discord members and a good-looking place to purchase their services/products.


    Redstone Broadcaster

    This role is given out to content creators in the community that follow the minimum follower counts:

    • 1,500+ YouTube Subscribers (Long Form Content).

    • 5,000+ YouTube Subscribers (Short Form Content).

    • 1,000+ Twitch Followers.

    • 10,000+ TikTok Followers.

    • 5,000+ X Followers.

    • 10,000+ Instagram Followers.


    Realm Warden

    This role is given out to server managers that meet ALL of the following:

    • Owner must be present in the Discord with an active @Realm Lord Discord role.

    • Owner must state the member is their manager.



    This role is given out to server staff that meet ALL of the following:

    • Owner must be present in the Discord with an active @Realm Lord Discord role.

    • Owner or Manager must state the member is their staff.


    Cloud Crafter

    This role is given out to hosting companies that meet the following:

    • Reputable or well-known hosting company.

    • 300+ Active Discord members, 10% must be online.


    Plugin Enchanter

    This role is given out to developers who meet one of the following requirements:

    • Active GitHub and/or website showing development work.

    • Have received quality development work from them personally.

    • Owns a Discord that hosts their product (plugins, bots, etc.) or a support Discord with 150+ members.


    Ready to be verified? Open a ticket to request the role!


    Please note that we reserve the right to approve, or deny anyone any role for any reason at our discretion. 

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